Are you already working part-time? You’re not alone. Of the more than roughly 85 million moms in the US (as per the most recent Census), almost a quarter work part-time, as per the US Department of Labor Women’s Bureau.

Thinking about part-time as an option? You’re definitely not alone in that thinking. A Pew Research poll indicated that about 44% of mothers who work full-time say part-time would be their ideal situation. Of SAHMs, about 40% shared that part-time work would be their ideal situation.

There are many articles on why moms decide to work part-time, from increased happiness for moms (and some even say for families) to financial implications and all sorts of other things in between. Our own research has uncovered many benefits and reasons for working part-time. Of the more than 50 interviews we’ve done, we’ve heard all sorts of benefits from moms such as more time with family, less stress, continued mental stimulation, passion for the work they’re doing, and time with adults. The top reason by far that we’ve heard is moms needed more flexibility in integrating work and home life. The next most common reason is to attain more balance (the elusive balance that we all crave).

Why do you want to work or already work part-time? Anything you want to share on how you got to your decision?

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