Entrepreneurship and Work-life Balance

Of the 110 working moms I interviewed for my book, about 62 percent worked for someone else, both in large and small business settings. The other 38 percent had started their own businesses. Many started a business because they couldn’t find the balance they craved,...

7 Time Management Tips for Busy Caregivers

Managing your time well is important for anyone. It reduces stress and improves your overall sense of well-being. Good time-management becomes even more necessary when you are caring for an aging parent. The obligations and demands of being a caregiver can be more...

Overcoming Everyday Obstacles as a Working Mom

As a working mom, summer can be hard. In fact, this summer I felt like I was continually stopping and starting. My plan was to have the boys in summer camp, so that we could spend afternoons hanging out at the pool or going to fun places. I wanted to enjoy this summer...