This phrase came up in one of our interviews and the concept has come up many times.  I like the idea of Balance Dynamics, though, since it’s essentially how we deal with balance when other forces act on it – the term seems more active, less passive.  It’s the continual challenge to find balance as moms and individuals.  And that balance and level of effort vary from person to person over time. 

Some moms in our interviews have even said working part-time has given them the balance that they needed that they couldn’t achieve while working full-time or even as a SAHM. The moms who have shared their stories with us often talk about the shifting of priorities that takes place in a morning, day, week, etc. The reality is that balance isn’t something that we can achieve once and it’s set. The areas we try to balance are never in a perfect balance.  It’s all constantly shifting. 

I think it comes down to not really being about the perfection of the balancing act, but finding the mix and having all the pieces work together.  It’s the combination of things when we can hit our groove, even for a moment.

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