Working moms were already feeling challenged by normal life and then came the pandemic. Add recent events and it’s no wonder that working moms are feeling the weight of uncertainty. It’s not enough to talk about it. We need to share practical tips and actionable ideas to help each other feel in control and confident during this moment of uncertainty. I’ve got 7 tips to help working moms deal with uncertainty.
Why do you have the feeling of uncertainty right now?
It’s not a little thing when 1.4 million working mothers leave the workforce in a small window of time. And that is just what the pandemic did. Now consider the impact of all the uncertainty we’re feeling from recent everyday challenges such as formula shortage and difficulty finding affordable childcare. Consider how it weighs on you to question your children’s safety in places like schools and casual outings like grocery shopping or attending a parade. It’s no wonder that working mothers are feeling uncertain right now.
Feel all the feels
Give yourself space to feel all your emotions instead of jumping to gratitude that you and your family are OK. When it comes to tips to help working moms deal with uncertainty, there is no need for toxic positivity of feeling grateful all the time. We each have different situations and reactions to recent events. It’s easy to say that you should hold your kids tight and be thankful. It’s hard to focus only on positive aspects of your life right now, though.
Instead of trying to focus only on happy thoughts in this moment, give yourself space and time to feel all the feels. Allow yourself to feel sad, frustrated, angry, grateful, happy, etc. And then take a moment to find the things that do give you hope and allow you to feel joy.
Review your online habits
I get that you want to be an informed professional and citizen. It’s helpful to be knowledgeable of what is going on. Don’t doom scroll, though. You will easily find negative information. Negative news sells. You might not get the full picture since bad news is what gets more eyeballs.
Look at news stories but limit your time on the news. Maybe even set a timer to help you manage your time on news sites. That way to feel informed, but you avoid moving past this point to doom scrolling.
Focus on what you can control
You can put your energy into a lot of things but focus on what you can control in moments of uncertainty. Of all of my tips to help working moms deal with uncertainty, I think this one is key. Understanding what you can control can make a big difference in your life always but especially in these uncertain times.
Consider managing your time online as one way of controlling your situation or reaction to uncertainty. Be present as you spend time with family and friends and engage with colleagues or employees. Give yourself permission to slow down and step away from things like news and social media without having to explain to others why. See how you can spend your time connecting to family and friends in a meaningful way. Take time for things like family meals or meeting with friends for a coffee. Find moments of gratitude when you can.
Depending on your situation, can you create contingency plans? If you own a business, you can absolutely put these in place. You can also think about what decisions you can make differently, based on what’s going on around you. For example, look at your budget to see if you have wiggle room. You might have cut back during the pandemic and then started spending again as things opened up. Maybe it’s time to look at where you previously cut back and consider taking the same actions again.
Want to take action in a bigger way? Consider reaching out to your government officials or joining an organization where you can make an impact on something you’re passionate about.
Keep your eyes on your own lane
I’ve recently listened to several podcasts and read articles about the impact of social media, especially on your mental health. Comparing yourself to others’ highlight reels can make you feel less than. It can bring you down or add to your stress levels of what you must do right now and in general.
Get ideas, but don’t compare. Life is what happens between pictures and that’s not on social media. Like with the news, consider setting a timer for how long you are on social media. And remember that you can take a break from social media and not have to tell others why.
Manage your stress
I strongly believe that some stress is good. Chronic or too much stress isn’t. And let’s be honest that it’s been a stressful few years for working moms especially. How does stress management fit into things.? You know how chronic stress or highly stressful situations can trigger your fight or flight response, but you can also feel frozen. All of these responses result in an inability to figure things out. And this won’t help you or your loved ones.
Deep breathing and mindfulness exercises can help you manage or lower stress levels. Find ways to be more present with your family or during your work hours. If you’d like more ideas on this, I share 10 tips to helping working mamas manage stress in a Mompowerment post.
Check the voice in your head
You don’t need the voice in your head adding to the uncertainty you’re feeling. It might be helpful to find mantras that work for you. Write them down in places you’ll see them like the front or back cover of your notebook. Put an index card with a mantra on your bathroom mirror to look at each morning as you get ready. A few that may help…“Things are uncertain, but I can handle uncertain moments.” “I have overcome challenges before and I will overcome this.” One of my favorites is “One step at a time” to keep the focus on right now.
Spend time and energy on your mental health
When I talk about mental health, I’m referring to your emotional, psychological, and your social well-being. Your mental health impacts how you feel, think, and actually engage with those around you. It’s integral to how you thrive or struggle as a working mother.
There are a lot of different aspects of mental health. The tip I want to mention here is to define and maintain your boundaries. Letting work, colleagues, family, friends, etc. know what your boundaries are can help you better control your energy and mental health. Want more information and additional ideas? Head over to the Mompowerment blog on working mothers’ mental health.

Don’t forget about self-care
Don’ forget about your needs. Self-care matters, especially in stressful moments. It might seem like self-care is another item on your never-ending to-do list, but it’s important in moments of uncertainty. And self-care isn’t only an occasional spa day or girls’ weekend.
Focus on small moments of self-care like reading a book for 6+ minutes (this can also help you with stress management), writing in a journal, especially to help you think through your feelings during the moment of uncertainty, or exercising (even a short walk around the block may help.) Finding a way to laugh – like a deep belly, tears rolling down your face laugh – can also make a big difference. And don’t forget the power of a hug (the 20-second kind where your heart feels better). Want more ideas on finding time for self-care? We’ve got you covered on the Mompowerment blog.
That’s what I’ve got. I’ve shared my 7 tips to help working moms deal with uncertainty. What is helping you deal with uncertainty as a working mom? How are you making sure you keep moving forward and taking care of yourself?
This content is not a substitute for direct medical advice from a doctor or other qualified medical professionals. If your feelings about uncertainty are interfering with your life or if you’re dealing with overwhelming chronic stress, depression, anxiety, or other mental health challenges, please reach out to a medical health professional or mental health professional near you or online to help you with your specific needs.