Fun facts about Suzanne

My official bio is on the website, so these are more fun facts. Is there a question you wish people would ask you? I’d love to hear from you in the comments. About Suzanne Do you have a hidden talent? I can sing and I can make a mean frozen margarita  ...

Why write a book about working part-time?

As a mom who has her own business and works from home on a part-time basis, I am often asked how to go about finding part-time, and especially work from home, opportunities. In truth, there’s no easy formula. But there are many opportunities to work part-time in a...

Welcome to Mompowerment

I’m in the process of interviewing over 100 moms as part of the journey to writing Mompowerment: Insights from Successful Professional Part-time Working Moms who Balance Career & Family. As I finish the interviews and begin writing the book, I understand the...