by Suzanne Brown | May 11, 2022 | family-travel, Uncategorized
It’s Mental Health Awareness Month in the U.S. and it’s also the perfect time to talk about tips to improve working mothers’ mental health. It has been a challenging 2+ years globally. Let’s face it. A lot of how we survived this pandemic has been because of the...
by Suzanne Brown | Mar 24, 2022 | Uncategorized
I met Brian Anderson, Executive Director of Fathering Together, last year on the Mother’s Monday team as he was supporting the initiative and creating the complementary initiative Father’s Friday. When I wanted the working dad’s perspective for the...
by Suzanne Brown | Mar 16, 2022 | Uncategorized
The pandemic caused 1.4+ million working moms to leave the workforce and working parents are signaling to employers that things must change (link to working dads article), which is part of what is fueling the Great Realignment. Whether you’re an employee,...
by Suzanne Brown | Mar 8, 2022 | Uncategorized
The pandemic caused 1.4+ million working moms to leave the workforce and working parents are signaling to employers that things must change, which has led to a Great Resignation. Really, though, it’s a Great Realignment where working parents especially are aligning...
by Suzanne Brown | Mar 3, 2022 | Uncategorized
Everywhere you look, there is an article about the Great Resignation. First off, let’s call it what it really is. It’s a Great Realignment, where employees are ensuring their employers give them the time and space to focus on the things they really care about. If you...
by Suzanne Brown | Feb 28, 2022 | Uncategorized
I hope you’ve enjoyed this 4-part series on supporting working parents as an employer as a result of changes from the pandemic. February was all about helping employers support working parents so you attract and retain top talent. The idea is to create the...
by Suzanne Brown | Feb 25, 2022 | Uncategorized
As the final post of the 4-part series for employers on how to better support working moms and dads, let’s talk Employee Resource Groups (ERGs). And, whether you’re creating ERGs for the first time or evolving how you do them, I’ve got tips and best practices for...
by Suzanne Brown | Feb 17, 2022 | Uncategorized
I usually write and talk about supporting working moms. In my recent LinkedIn Thursday workplace strategy video for managers, senior leaders, and HR professionals, I talked about a different way to think about supporting moms in your organization. When you support...
by Suzanne Brown | Feb 10, 2022 | Uncategorized
Employees’ needs have changed, especially during and as a result of the pandemic. Simply providing health insurance as your sole benefit is no longer enough. As the second post in this month-long series for employers, I share tips to help you start to shift to a more...
by Suzanne Brown | Feb 3, 2022 | Uncategorized
As a follow-up to a recent video I did on LinkedIn, I’m expanding on what flexibility can look like. Flexibility can take a lot of different forms. In this first of a 4-part series for employers this month, I’m sharing ideas for how you as a company can integrate...