Letting Go of Mom Guilt this Summer

Mom guilt is a side of working motherhood that hasn’t gone away during the pandemic. Even though we’re spending 15+ more hours on household duties including things like managing online learning, we’re still feeling the guilt. This summer we’ll add to it as we...

10 Tips to Manage Stress as a Working Mom

Let’s be honest, working motherhood can be stressful. You’re juggling a lot always. And working mamas’ mental health has been pushed to an extreme, due to the pandemic. A McKinsey report shared that working moms are doing an additional 15+ hours of work at home during...

Entrepreneurship and Work-life Balance

Of the 110 working moms I interviewed for my book, about 62 percent worked for someone else, both in large and small business settings. The other 38 percent had started their own businesses. Many started a business because they couldn’t find the balance they craved,...