I’m in the process of interviewing over 100 moms as part of the journey to writing Mompowerment: Insights from Successful Professional Part-time Working Moms who Balance Career & Family. As I finish the interviews and begin writing the book, I understand the need to create and grow a community – a tribe – of moms who either currently work part-time or are interested in changing to that approach in their career.

Big things coming. Follow the progress!

  • Subscribe to the weekly blog. No spam here and I won’t sell your information. And, of course, you can opt out at any time. Visit http://eepurl.com/bxiEAf to sign up!
  • Join the Facebook group for moms to have a supportive environment where they can share ideas and get advice on topics related to work-life balance. http://www.facebook.com/groups/mompowerment.
  • Follow me on Twitter: @mompowerment. I tweets about topics related to the book, blog, and Facebook group page. And I’ll also tweet ideas about articles, things I read and hear, etc. to keep moms thinking about things related to family, career, and the balance between.

If you’d like to see how things are going, but don’t want to sign up for weekly information, please come back to mompowerment.com for updates. I will post a weekly blog and also have links to the Facebook group page, and Twitter and Pinterest accounts.

Thanks for joining me on this Mompowerment path!


Warmest regards,


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