Writing a book isn’t easy. I’m not saying that so that I get pats on the back. I’m being honest. If you want to write a book, it takes effort. Interviewing more than 100 women to get the research for the book took me three and a half years. That is a lot of time. I’m so thankful for my Mompowerment project, though.
Grateful for the stories
Most of all, I’m so thankful for the stories and the women I’ve met along the way. I wasn’t thinking about what I was asking moms to share when starting this project.
I work part-time and manage my family and understand the patience, juggling and constant adjustments, big and small, to keep everything moving in the right direction for everyone in our house. It can be fun, exhausting, challenging, satisfying, and empowering.
To understand how it works for more than 110 families, I needed the nitty gritty details about their lives. The moms I talked to were open and willing to share how they manage part-time work and a family, including the struggles they deal with every day, the compromises they make with their partners, and the intimate feelings they have about being a working mom. They shared the good, the bad, and the ugly. These moms were willing to put it all out there, so that other moms can learn and build on the advice, insights, successes, challenges and ways to overcome the challenges.
The interviews with some moms were very raw and almost overwhelming with honesty. That honesty is important, though, because it’s not out there. So many moms are trying to be a supermom with working a full-time job, taking care of everything family-related, managing the household, trying to create amazing moments every weekend or birthday or holiday, etc. because they don’t realize there is another option. They don’t want to walk away from their careers, but they don’t know another way. And that is why these stories, even the challenges of work part-time, are so important. They help moms know another option for career where they have more opportunities to engage with family.
At the end of every call and as I analyzed all the information in recent months, I am reminded of how thankful I am that so many moms were willing to be so completely honest during the interviews and open up to give me a peek into their lives. I’ve stayed in touch with some of these moms via email, Skype, or even in the Mompowerment Facebook group. We’ve formed a support system, a tribe, in this effort at work-life balance and integration.
Grateful for a tribe
An added layer of this tribe that I’m building for myself and other part-time working moms is the Facebook group. I’ve been building the Mompowerment Facebook community for a little over a year. The moms in this group are moms who I’ve interviewed, who I know, and moms who have found their way to the group through a variety of ways and who I’ve gotten to know in the group. They have been supportive of my Mompowerment efforts and of each other’s. I thank you for that support and interaction. I thank you for asking the thoughtful questions and giving thoughtful advice and tips.
Thank you
So, on this week of Thanksgiving, I’m sending a big, heartfelt thank you to all of the moms I interviewed and moms who’ve become part of my tribe, whether online or offline. You’ve helped me with Mompowerment in so many ways. This wouldn’t happen without you! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and enjoy time with friends and family!