Now that you understand your motivation for wanting to work part-time, the next step is to start thinking through the personal implications. The transition to a part-time role will likely affect your professional and personal life and you want to try to make sure that those changes — the career implications — are acceptable. This is where you ask the tough questions about the short-term and long-term. Consider what adjustments you might need to make, now that you know that this is the path you’d like to take.
Career Implications
One of the questions I hear from moms interested in transitioning to a part-time approach to their career is “Will this transition hurt me professionally?” I can’t answer that. The career implications of this transition are unique for everyone.
I can share questions that will help you think through the transition so that you can better understand how it will affect your career. Once you understand that, you can decide if you’re OK with the implications.
Consider these questions to help you understand the career implications:
- Are you a valuable employee to your manager and/or the company? Will the transition make you less valuable?
- Will you lose clout in your company or industry if you shift gears? If so, does that matter to you?
- At what stage is your career?
- Is shifting to a part-time career approach a short-term or long-term option? Does one or the other work better for you or are they equal? Why?
- If you miss an opportunity for career growth or promotion, how will that affect your own perspective on your career and family?
- Consider how you feel toward your job, manager, and the company you work for. Is this a time to make a shift to something else such as a new company or starting your own business? Do you need a career change, not just a different approach to your current career?
Personal Implications
Another question I hear is “What changes will I have to make in my personal life when I start working part-time?” When moms shift from one career approach to another, there are usually changes for you and/or your family. Not sure how to look at those implications or even how to figure them out? These questions might help you think through the personal implications side of the equation.
- Is this a time when your family needs more of your time and attention? Will giving more time help or affect the situation positively?
- What will you do with more time available to spend time with family or on personal interests? What does that look like?
- Have you spoken to your significant other about your interest in transitioning to a part-time role? If yes, what did you cover? How did the conversation go? If no, what will you cover?
- How will your new schedule impact your family?
- What is included in your overall personal plan?
- What changes will you need to make in your support structure (e.g., sitter or housekeeper)?
- What are you feeling as it relates to these potential changes?
- Have you set your overall goals (including career and personal) for the short-term and long-term? How will a transition to part-time impact those goals? Are the changes acceptable to you? If not, is there something you can adjust to make the changes acceptable? If not, why not?
- Do your financials allow you to transition to a part-time role? If not, are there changes you can make so that it’s financially doable? What is the short-term impact of those changes? What is the long-term impact of those financial changes?
- What are your overall priorities? How do they break down into the different areas of your life? How will they change if you change your career approach?
- What trade-offs, if any, are you willing to make? Are those trade-offs acceptable or are you considering them out of obligation? Why or why not?

Overall Implications
These questions won’t give you all the answers you need, but they will start you down the path to understanding if this transition and the subsequent changes are the right career moves for you. And you’ll get a better idea of whether or not this is the right move for you at this time. The questions also help you get started on developing a plan for you and your family at home and for you (and potentially your team) at work.
If you’re thinking through a career transition to a part-time role, what additional questions are you considering? What are you uncovering as you ask these types of questions? What aspect of career or personal implications are you struggling with?
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