
Mompowerment: Insights from Successful Professional Part-Time Working Moms Who Balance Career and Family (Signed)

Original price was: $24.87.Current price is: $16.99.

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When I transitioned to a part-time role in a large company after the birth of our older son, I was asked over and over by working moms about how I made it happen. I was asked by friends and friends of friends and colleagues in the hallway. After doing some online research, I realized that there were plenty of moms who’d like to work part time – 47 percent according to Pew Research – but only 25% do. There is a need in the workplace to understand how to stay engaged in your career and be the mom you want to be. And the concept of Mompowerment was born.

The award-winning Mompowerment: Insights from Successful Professional Part-time Working Moms Who Balance Career and Family shares my own experience and advice as well as research with insights, stories, and advice from interviews with 110+ professional part-time working moms. Buy it now on Amazon. (affiliate link)

The book is written with the lens of a working mom interesting in a part-time role, but the advice can be used for transitioning to any approach that is not full time, such as remote work, a condensed schedule, or a job share. The tips, tricks, hacks, and mindset shifts can impact anyone interested in more work-life balance, no matter what that looks like.

It’s available on Amazon in paperback and ebook. For those companies interested in buying many copies for employees, there is a discount for purchases of 10+ books. Email me for more information.

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