Mompowerment: Insights from Successful Professional Part-Time Working Moms Who Balance Career and Family (Kindle)


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(Affiliate Link) When moms consider their career options, they traditionally consider working full-time or stay-at-home. What about the huge area in between? How can you be the mom you want to be without walking away from your career and all you’ve worked so hard for? What if you could work part-time, continuing down your professional path, and actually spend quality time with family? Suzanne Brown interviewed more than 110 professional part-time working moms as research for her book, Mompowerment: Insights from Successful Professional Part-time Working Moms Who Balance Career and Family. She shares their stories, advice, and insights to:

  • empower you to think differently about career and work-life balance
  • provide a how-to for transitioning your career model

By the end of this book, you’ll be able to see if the professional part-time option is right for you, think through mindset shifts, make changes at home and at work, and set yourself up for success in your new career approach.