Helping companies and working moms
think differently about work-life balance and take action.
Hi, I’m Suzanne
I’m a two-time entrepreneur, author, and mom. I empower you to support your employees’ work-life balance needs and working moms create a more balanced lifestyle.

Hi, I’m Suzanne
I’m a two-time entrepreneur, author, and mom. I empower you to support your employees’ work-life balance needs and working moms create a more balanced lifestyle.
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Who We Help
We help companies become more balance friendly and professional working moms create a balanced lifestyle. Learn practical tips and insights for you to take action today to create your version of work-life balance.
Take action today. Be empowered.
Find inspiration in the award-winning Mompowerment books.
Schedule a strategy session to start making changes and get you closer to what you want in your work-life balance.
Learn about resources and read the weekly blog to get consistent ideas and tools to get you started and continue to move your forward.
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The Mompowerment Blog
Praise for Mompowerment
Thank you so much for helping me think outside the box with regards to a part-time leadership position. Your support and expertise gave me the confidence to approach my supervisor with a thoughtful win-win proposal.
Suzanne was articulate, intelligent and compelling, and we received great feedback from her presentation from working moms (and dads) attending the event. I personally found her suggestions incredibly impactful and continue to incorporate them into my day-to-day activities as a working mom. Thank you Suzanne!