Letting Go of Mom Guilt this Summer

Mom guilt is a side of working motherhood that hasn’t gone away during the pandemic. Even though we’re spending 15+ more hours on household duties including things like managing online learning, we’re still feeling the guilt. This summer we’ll add to it as we...

Being Present as a Busy, Working Mom

Where did this summer go? It’s less than four weeks until school starts. I have a to-do list that is longer than my arm and my boys are in camp only until noon each day. I had to find someone to do some summer babysitting because 17 hours simply wasn’t enough time...

Busy Working Moms Also Need Self-Love

As the final blog of the month in a series devoted to love and friendship, I want to talk about self-love as a busy, working mom. The ideas of self-love, self-care, and the need for grace came up in the more than 110 interviews I did with professional part-time...